– Forward Lunge Long & Short Step, Lateral Lunge Long & Short Step
Biomechanical comparison of forward and lateral lunges at varying step lengths – 2013 – Bryan Riemann
– recreationally active to active military
– compared sagittal plane joint kinematics and kinetics between forward and lateral lunges
– used self-selected and standardized (60% height) step lengths
Results Net Joint Moment Impulse
Hip Joint: F-Lunge Long 2.3 . F-Lunge Short 1.8 . L-Lunge Long 1.4 . L-Lunge Short 1.3
Knee Joint: L-Lunge Long 1.1 . L-Lunge Short 1.1 . forward lunge short 1.0 . F-Lunge Long 0.7
Ankle Joint: L-Lunge Long 1.4 .L-Lunge Short 1.4 . forward lunge short 0.7 . F-Lunge Long 0.7
– Forward Lunge with Increased Loading
Biomechanical Analysis of the Anterior Lunge During 4 External-Load Conditions – 2012 – Bryan Riemann
– 16 recreationally active, college-aged
– Forward lunge is a hip-extensor–dominant exercise – glutes
– Lunged forward and return to standing position
– Vertical upper body, 70% of leg length, barefoot under
– 4 external-load conditions: 0% (control); 12.5% of body mass; 25% of body mass; 50% of body mass
Results – Net Joint Moment Impulse (NJMI)
Hip Joint: 50% = 3.0 | 25% = 2.4 | 12.5% = 2.0 | 0% = 2.0
Knee Joint: 50% = .75 | 25% = .70 | 12.5% = .65 | 0% = .60
Ankle Joint: 50% = 1.2 | 25% = 1.0 | 12.5% = .80 | 0% = .60
1. Kinematically, the anterior lunge involves greater motion at the knee than at the ankle and hip, but kinetically, the exercise is hip-extensor dominant
2. Increasing external loading during the exercise increased the ankle and hip contributions but had minimal effect at the knee
– Forward Lunge
Balance and Lower Limb Muscle Activation Between In-Line and Traditional Lunge Exercises – Marchetti, Brown – 2018
– 15 young, healthy, resistance-trained men
– performed 2 different lunge exercises (in-line and traditional) @10RM
Middle Gluteus Maximus: Lead Leg 70% . Trail Leg 15%
Gluteus Medius: Lead Leg 60% . Trail Leg 25%
Vastus Lateralis: Lead Leg 130% . Trail Leg 130%
Biceps Femoris: Lead Leg 60% . Trail Leg 30%
Electrode Placement
– GM at 50% of the distance between the sacral vertebrae and the greater trochanter
– GMd at 50% on the line from the iliac crest to the trochanter
– VL at 2/3 of the distance between the anterior spina iliac and the superior aspect of the lateral side of the patella
– BF at 50% on the line between the ischial tuberosity and the lateral epicondyle of the tibia
– Forward Lunge vs. Walking Lunge vs. Split Squat
Influence of Trunk Position during Three Lunge Exercises on Muscular Activation in Trained Women – 2021 – Bezerra
– trained young women ≥1 year with an overload of 30% of body weight in 6 conditions
A. STAT Lunge (Split Squat): maximally flexing RT knee (~90° – 100°); return to initial position
B. FORW Lunge: step forward flex RT knee (~90° – 100°); return to initial position by pushing RT foot backward
C. WALK Lunge: step forward flex RT knee (~90° – 100°); then take a step, pushing LT foot forward to a standing position
GMax: halfway b/n distance of greater trochanter and 2nd sacral vertebra in the belly of the muscle
Rectus Femoris: 1/3 proximal b/n distance of anterior superior iliac spine and superior side of patella
Biceps Femoris: halfway b/n distance of ischial tuberosity and lateral epicondyle of tibia
Lower Lumber Erector Spinae: 3 cm lateral to spine and nearly level with iliac crest b/n L3 and L4 vertebrae
Results – Level
Gluteus Maximus: Walking 55 . Forward or Lunge Return 50 . Static or Split Squat 25
Rectus Femoris: Walking 70 . Forward or Lunge Return 65 . Static or Split Squat 65
+ Biceps Femoris: Static or Split Squat 26 . Forward or Lunge Return 22 . Walking 18
+ Lower Erector Spinae: Walking 30 . Forward or Lunge Return 15 . Static or Split Squat 10
Results – Forward Leaning Upper Body on Inclined Treadmill
Gluteus Maximus: Walking 55 . Forward or Lunge Return 55 . Static or Split Squat 40
Rectus Femoris: Walking 75 . Forward or Lunge Return 70 . Static or Split Squat 65
+ Biceps Femoris: Walking 28 . Forward or Lunge Return 24 . Static or Split Squat 16
+ Lower Erector Spinae: Walking 50 . Forward or Lunge Return 35 . Static or Split Squat 35
– Forward Lunge, Single-Leg Squat, Lateral Step-up
Electromyographic activity during the Monopodal Squat, Forward Lunge and Lateral Step-Up exercises – 2020 – Muyor
– physically active 10 men and 10 women) performed 5reps @60% 5RM
Results for Concentric
Gluteus Maximus: single-leg squat 50% . forward lunge 30% . lateral stepup 30%
Gluteus Medius: single-leg squat 60% . forward lunge 30% . lateral stepup 30%
Rectus Femoris: single-leg squat 35% . lateral stepup 30% . forward lunge 30%
Vastus Medialis: single-leg squat 84% . forward lunge 62% . lateral stepup 52%
Vastus Lateralis: single-leg squat 100% . forward lunge 68% . lateral stepup 52%
+ Biceps Femoris: single-leg squat 32% . lateral stepup 30% . forward lunge 28%
– Forward Lunge Forward Lean, Upright, Backward Lean
Trunk position muscle activity of lead lower extremity during forward lunge – 2008 – Farrokhi
– 10 healthy adults 5 males, 5 females participated
Gluteus Maximus: forward lean 22.3 . backward lean 19.3 . trunk erect 18.5
Quadriceps – Vastus Lateralis: forward lean 50.9 . backward lean 50.1 . trunk erect 45.6
+ Hamstrings – Biceps Femoris: forward lean 17.9 . backward lean 14.9 . trunk erect 11.9
+ Calf – Lateral Gastrocnemius: backward lean 22.6 . forward lean 20.8 . trunk erect 19.5
Electrode Placement
– Gluteus maximus: over the muscle belly midway b/n the 2nd sacral vertebra and the greater trochanter
– Biceps Femoris: over the muscle belly midway between the ischial tuberosity and the lateral epicondyle of the femur
– Vastus Lateralis over the muscle belly at the level of the mid thigh.
– Lateral Gastrocnemius: over the upper one third of the muscle belly
– Forward Lunge Forward Lean, Upright, Backward Lean
Review of EMG studies evaluating gluteus maximus and gluteus medius activation during rehab exercises . Michael Reiman – 2011
Procedure & Results for Gluteus Maximus
– Studies included evaluated activation of GMax during rehab exercises; subjects were healthy
– the following can affect EMG activity: (1) trunk position (2) movement direction (3) base of support
– strength gains are expected for activation levels = or >40% MVIC
· 74% – forward stepup
· 59% to 56% – 1-leg squat; 1-leg RDL; wall squat; retro backward stepup; 1/4 squat
· 49% to 40% – transverse lunge; sideways lunge; lateral stepup; 1-leg bridge
· 39% to 34% – clam 60º hip flexion; lunge neutral trunk; clam 30º hip flexion
· 25% to 19% – bridging on stable surface; lunge forward lean; side lying hip ab-duction; bridging on a Swiss ball; lunge backward lean
– Forward Step-up
Glute Max Activation during Common Strength and Hypertrophy Exercises – Review – 2020 – Neto
Procedure & Results
– GMax activation levels during strength exercises that incorporate hip extension and use of external load
– the following factors might directly influence GMax activation
(1) External load (2) movement velocity (3) level of fatigue (4) complexity of the exercise (5) need for joint stabilization
– Step-up may elicit the highest level of Gmax activation possibly due to the stabilization requirement
Classification | Activation | Exercise | Average (%MVIC) |
1º | Very high | Step-Up | 169.22 ± 101.47 |
2° | Very high | Lateral Step-Up | 114.25 ± 54.74 |
3° | Very high | Diagonal Step-Up | 113.21 ± 43.54 |
4° | Very high | Crossover Step-up | 104.19 ± 33.63 |
5° | Very high | Hex Bar Deadlift | 88 ± 16 |
6° | Very high | Rotation BB Hip Thrust | 86.18 ± 34.3 |
7° | Very high | Traditional BB Hip Thrust | Lower GM: 69.5/Upper GM: 86.7 |
8° | Very high | American BBHip Thrust | Lower GM: 57.4 ± 34.8/ Upper GM: 89.9 ± 32.4 |
9° | Very high | Belt Squat | 71.34 ± 29.42 |
10° | Very high | Split Squat | 70 ± 15 |
11° | Very high | In-line Lunge | 67 ± 11 |
12° | Very high | Traditional Lunge | 66 ± 13 |
13° | Very high | Pull Barbell Hip Thrust | 65.87 ± 23.28 |
14° | Very high | Modified Single-leg Squat – Bulgarians | 65.6 ± 15.1 |
15° | Very high | Traditional Deadlift | 64.50 ± 41.72 |
16° | Very high | Band Hip Thrust | Lower GM: 49.2 ± 26.5/ Upper GM: 79.2 ± 29.9 |
17° | High | Parallel Back Squat | 59.76 ± 22.52 |
18° | High | Feet-away Barbell Hip Thrust | 51.38±17.93 |
19º | High | Front Squat | 40.54 ± 4.73 |
20° | High | Stiff-Leg Deadlift – RDL | 40.5 ± 18.8 |
21° | Moderate | Overhead Squat | 39.75 ± 29.91 |
22° | Moderate | Sumo Deadlift | 37 ± 28 |
23° | Moderate | Partial Back Squat | 28.16 ± 10.35 |
24° | Moderate | Full Back Squat | 26.56 ± 12.33 |