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  1. SUPERIOR – [P]Rehab Guys .
    (1) Function:
    – Serves as the anchor that allows the scapula to rotate when the arm is lifted overhead – Overhead Press .
    (3) Origin: 1st and 2nd ribs
    (3) Insertion: the superior medial angle of the scapula
  2. MIDDLE [P]Rehab Guys .
    (1) Function: Protraction of the Scapula; ex: Push-up Plus
    (2) Origin: The middle component of the serratus anterior stems from the third, fourth, and fifth ribs
    (3) Insertion: vertebral border of the scapula
  3. INFERIOR – [P]Rehab Guys .
    (1) Function:
    – Protraction of the scapula; ex: Push-up Plus
    – Rotation of the inferior angle upward and laterally; ex: Overhead Press; Lateral Raise to Overhead Press
    (2) Origin: The inferior component originates from the sixth through ninth ribs
    (3) Insertion: Inferior angle of the scapula

(1) The serratus anterior, also known as the “boxer’s muscle,” is largely responsible for the protraction of the scapula, a movement that occurs when throwing a punch. It pulls the scapula forward around the thorax, which allows for flexion and protraction of the arm. Although this motion is antagonistic to that of the rhomboids when the serratus anterior superior and the serratus anterior inferior act together, the scapula is subsequently pressed against the thorax in conjunction with the rhomboids, thereby creating a synergistic effect.
(2)  It also acts with the upper and lower fibers of the trapezius muscle to sustain upward rotation of the scapula, which allows for overhead lifting.
(3) When the shoulder girdle is fixed, all 3 parts of the serratus anterior muscle work together to lift the ribs, assisting in respiration.


  1. Abelson – Anatomy of the Shoulder . 0:29
  2. Noted Anatomist – Scapulothoracic Joint – Muscles & Nerves . 6:28
    (1) Traps (2) Levator Scapulae (3) Rhomboids (4) Serratus Anterior (5) Pectoralis Minor (6) Subclavius
  3. Anatomy Zone – Muscles of the Thoracic Wall – 2:15
  4. Webster – Large Shoulder Muscles – 14:00


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