- ITB Friction Syndrome . Keeley Physio
2:30 → Small Ball Massage the TFL: trigger point hold; cross-friction; pin and stretch the leg to the side
3:30 → Small Ball Massage the Upper Glutes: trigger point hold; cross-friction; pin and stretch with a Figure 4
4:05 → Foam Roll the Lateral Lateralis: trigger point hold; cross friction; pin and stretch by flexing the knee - Hip and Leg Mobility for ITBS . Keeley Physio
– Kneel on Floor – Stretch the Hip Flexors and Quadriceps: kneel on pad on floor; back foot elevated on chair; spine neutral; squeeze glute and push forward; reach up and over
– Supine Back-Lying Figure 4: foot on the wall; cross the opposite leg; slide the foot down the wall
– Pigeon Stretch: can be done standing with foot on bench or back of sofa rather than the floor - ITBS – Smart Foam Rolling . Lawrence Physio
– Do not roll the ITB
– Roll the Upper Gluteus Maximus and the Gluteus Medius
– Roll the TFL and the Vastus Lateralis Quadricep Muscle
– Roll the Lateral Hamstrings - ITBS Lateral Line Stretching . Lawrence Physio
– Stretch the Glutes and TFL
– Stretch the Lateral Line