1. Physiotutors . 
    – yellow tube represents the nerve
    Sitting Slider – Start Slumped: extend the knee + flex the ankle + lift the chin → drop the chin + extend the ankle + flex the knee
    (2) Sitting Tensioner – Start Upright: drop the chin + slump + extend knee + flex ankle → extend ankle + flex knee + sit tall + lift the chin
    (3) Supine or Back-Lying Slider: straight leg with foot on wall; drop the chin + extend the ankle → flex the ankle + lift the chin
    (4) Supine or Back-Lying Tensioner
    : straight leg with foot on wall; drop the chin + flex the ankle → extend the ankle + lift the chin
  2. Keeley – Physio
    – this is for the Sciatic Nerve
    (1) Extend & Flex the Knee: back-lying with hands behind the thigh; knee bent; move the knee; band for added resistance
    (2) Extend & Flex the Ankle: back-lying with hands behind the thigh; knee bent; move the ankle; band for added resistance
  3. Keeley – Physio .
    (1) Leg Crossover Extend the Leg: back-lying with band around the foot
    (2) Leg Crossover Extend the Ankle: back-lying with band around the foot; straight leg
  4. Dr. Jo – Physio . 
    (1) McKenzie Stretch
    (2) Figure 4 Stretch for the Piriformis
    (3) Back-Lying Nerve Gliding: hands behind thigh; extend the knee and flex the ankle; 10 reps only
    (4) Sitting Nerve Gliding: extend the leg and flex the ankle + chin up → chin down + flex the leg and extend the ankle; 10 reps only
    (5) Sitting Nerve Gliding – Foot on Stool: leg straight; keep toes up; bend to opposite side and return; 10 reps only
  5. Lawrence – Physio .
    – slump + chin down + knee extended + ankle extended → ankle flexed + knee flexed + chin up + remain sitting slumped

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