- Home Exercises for Cervical Disc Pain .
(1) Chin Tuck: fingers on chin; pull head back; do not tilt head; ie: move head like a filing cabinet drawer
(2) Chin Tuck with Rotation: fingers on side of chin; gently push head
(3) Supine with back of Head on Yoga Block: chin tuck; knees bent; add one leg straighten and return; repeat with other leg; 4-5x
(4) Hands behind Neck: chin tuck into hands; tilt head - Exercises for Cervical Spine Pain & Disc Bulges .
1️⃣ 7:30 mark – Chin Tuck: Cervical Retraction in Sitting / Standing
2️⃣ 10:00 mark – Fingers behind Neck: Cervical McKenzie Retraction-Extension (supported) Note: different than Hands behind Neck in above video
3️⃣ 12:30 – Head Rotation: Cervical Rotation (overpressure) - Mobility Exercises for Chronic Tension Headaches .
(1) Chin Tuck: see above video
(2) Supine Head on Yoga Block: see above video
(3) Supine Head on Yoga Block + Small Ball: place ball on one side of neck muscle
(4) Supine lengthways on Foam Roller: moving Arms from a “Y” position to a “W” - Cervical Spondylosis & Neck Arthritis – Stretches & Exercises .
(1) Turn head side to side
(2) Drop head side to side: hold the chair or put your hands under your bottom to keep shoulders level
(3) Drop head back and Rotate to the side
(4) Isometric – Hands under chin
(5) Head to Side: gently pull with hand; off-hand holding the chair
(6) Head Angled to opposite Knee: stretches the Levator Scapulae
(7) Chin Tucks: back-lying